Political Science
English-language courses only
- Democracy, Dictatorship, and Revolution. A Hands-on Introduction to the Study of Regimes.
- Down with the Oligarchs! The Democratic Theory of Ordinary Citizenship
- Judicial Politics: Law and Politics at their Intersection
- Lobbying and Negotiation Strategies in International Politics
- American Government: Theory and Institutions
- Democracy, Dictatorship, and Revolution. A Hands-on Introduction to the Study of Regimes
- Democracy, Dictatorship, and Revolution. A Hands-on Introduction to the Study of Regimes.
- The Environment in the MENA Region: A Perspective of Political Ecology
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Lecture with exercise (V/UE)
Development Economics II
Link for the lecture:
https://www.studon.fau.de/crs4435251_join.html (password required; please contact the lecturer)
Master seminar (MAS)
Economic History and Development of Europe and the Middle East
International Economics II (1. Seminar)
International Economics II (2. Seminar)
Digital Geographic Information for Monitoring Human Rights Violations: Challenges and Opportunities
Teilnehmerzahl: 15 MA Politikwissenschaft + Master Human Rights; 15 Geographie; Im MA Politikwissenschaft anrechenbar als Freies Ergänzungsstudium & Schwerpunkt Digitaler Wandel
This interdisciplinary seminar is open for MA students in Political Science, MA students in Human Rights, and MA students in Geography. We expect interest in human rights and technical curiosity, but do not expect students to have prior expertise in digital monitoring of human rights violations.
Students of Political Science register via StudON. Students of the MA Human Rights register via the programme coordinator. Students of geography register via https://www.geographie.nat.fau.de/anmeldung-platzvergabe-lehrveranstaltungen-wintersemester-2021-2022/ .Regular attendance, active participation in class (including exercises and presentations) and a written assignment are the requirements for completing the course.
Scrutinizing the foundations of human rights criticisms and counter-criticisms
freies Ergänzungsstudium (ansonsten nur für Studis Master Human Rights)
Die regelmäßige Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist für alle Studierenden verpflichtend.
Der Leistungsnachweis wird über die fristgerechte Abgabe der Hausarbeit erworben.
Die Anmeldung für die Veranstaltung erfolgt über StudOn.
Pro seminar (PS)
Artists as Activists The Interaction between American Artists and U.S. Politics
Please register for this class through OKTIS. [https://sprachkurse.fau.de/]
To receive a certificate, students are expected to participate regularly and actively and write a seminar paper (approximately 10 pages)
This seminar can be used in the context of: Proseminar Politische Systeme II
Import Kombi-Module Politics and Culture (Cultural Geography & English and American Studies)
Englisch für Alle Fakultäten (English for Academic and Special Purposes) as Level 4 class
Main seminar (HS)
Human rights under pressure the example of freedom of religion or belief
ECTS-Credits: 5 (alte PO: 8)
Die regelmäßige Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist für alle Studierenden verpflichtend.
Der Leistungsnachweis wird über die fristgerechte Abgabe der Hausarbeit erworben.
Die Anmeldung für die Veranstaltung erfolgt über StudOn. -
Protest Movements in Asia
Um Voranmeldung wird gebeten bei Max Wenzel (max.p.wenzel@fau.de)
Beginn 2. Semesterwoche
The Back Channel: A reading class based on William J. Burns memoirs on American Diplomacy
Modul Hauptseminar im BA PolWis, BA English and American Studies (Studienrichtung American Studies) für Import-Kombi-Modul Politics and Culture
1. Sitzung: Donnerstag, den 28. April, 16-18 Uhr
Blocksitzungen: 15. Juli 12-18 Uhr; 22. Juli 12-18 Uhr; 29. Juli 12-16 UhrAnmeldung über Frau Ulrike Frank (ulrike.frank@fau.de)