
Due to the corona pandemic all cultural events come off badly. So what do you do, if music is your profession and passion, but you are not allowed to sing together? The FAU Academic Chamber Choir came up with an idea! Academic Director Dr. Julian Tölle took the initiative and organised a digital con...

Category: Research, Study

Professor Helmut Neuhaus, former holder of the Chair of Modern History (Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte I), now Chair of Early Modern History (Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit), has been awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Federal Cross of Merit) of the Federal Republic of Germany. With thi...

Category: Forschung, Research

Demonstrations, public debates and the headlines in the media show that in many countries the corona pandemic is not only a medical but also a social challenge. Prof. Dr. Roland Sturm from the Institute of Political Science was interviewed in the program "Die Landespolitik" of the Bavarian radio sta...

Category: Research

The DFG (German Research Foundation) will fund Dr. Peter Maurits' position and his research for three years. Maurits is a research associate at the ‘Chair of American Studies: Culture and Literature', his project is titled “A Typology of African Science Fiction (2006-2018).”

Category: Research

The programme “Geisteswissenschaften International” (Humanities International) has presented “Theoderich der Große“ (C. H. Beck 2018), written by Prof. Hans-Ulrich Wiemer, Chair of Ancient History (Alte Geschichte), with an award. Costs for a translation into English will be covered with around 25,000 Euro. Yale University Press will publish the English edition in spring 2023.

Category: Research

At least two different groups of Neanderthals lived in Southern Siberia and an international team of researchers including scientists from FAU have now proven that one of these groups migrated from Eastern Europe. The researchers have now published their findings in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).

Category: Research