
Together with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Prof. Maria Rentetzi has produced a video that takes the corona pandemic as a starting point to wonder why diplomacy is so important for global health and how the WHO became a major player in health diplomacy.

Category: International, Research

PD Dr. Abbas Poya, head of the junior research group “Norm, Normativität und Normenwandel” at the FAU Department Islamic-Religious Studies (Department Islamisch-Religiöse Studien, DIRS) was accepted into the Heisenberg Programme of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG...

Category: Research

A warm welcome to Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi, the new chair for 'Science, Technology and Gender Studies' since 1 January 2021. She has been trained as physicists and as historian of science and technology. Her research focus is a highly interdisciplinary field at the intersection of science and technology studies, history of science, diplomatic history, political sciences, and international affairs.

Category: Research, Study

Media pedagogue Dr. Michaela Kramer has investigated the influence of smartphone photography and the presentation of images on social media on the identity formation of teenagers and young adults. In doing so, she has developed a typology that describes different ways in which young people can present themselves through photos on Instagram, Snapchat and similar platforms and what this says about their process of personality formation.

Category: Research

Dr. Krisztina Kovács of the Hungarian Szeged University is spending the winter term teaching and researching at the Institut für Grundschulforschung. Her stay is being funded by the DAAD’s programme for funding foreign guest lecturers (Förderung ausländischer Gastdozenten zu Lehrtätigkeiten an deutschen Hochschulen), which Dr. Günter Renner of the institute has successfully applied for.

Category: International, Research, Study

The Division "Public Health and Physical Activity" of the Department of Sport Science and Sport has received two grants for the projects „Bewegung als Investition in Gesundheit – BIG“ (Physical Activity as an Investment in Health) and „Gehen, Spielen und Tanzen als lebenslange Tätigkeiten – GESTALT“ (Walking, Playing and Dancing as Lifelong Activities).

Category: Research