
Whether its smartphones, tablets or apps, it would be difficult to imagine our daily or working lives these days without digital devices and tools. To be successful in this digital world, we need digital skills. Teaching these skills is also a task for schools. This requires well-trained teachers wh...

Category: Research

SLSAeu 2023: Models, Metaphors and Simulations. Epistemic Transformations in Literature, Science and the Arts When: May 18-21, 2023 Where: Orangerie and Senate Hall in the Kollegienhaus The conference focuses on modes of exchange between discourses and practices of knowledge production, repr...

Category: Events, International, Research

From now until 10 October 2022, female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology can apply for the next round of the FAU Mentoring Proramme ARIADNEphil. The 18-months programme starts in January 2023. The offer is free of charge and designed...

Category: Research