KoWinChi – Competence for research cooperation with China

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(How) should we cooperate with Chinese universities? (photo: Image by 琛茜 蒋 from Pixabay)

With the funding measure ‘Regional Expansion of China Expertise in Science (Regio-China)’, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) aims to disseminate and deepen China expertise in the German scientific landscape. Around 40 outlines were submitted to DLR Projektträger, the responsible project management agency for the call ‘Regio-China’. A total of 11 projects and one accompanying project were selected and will each receive funding for three years in the period from 2023 to 2026.

One of these is ‘KoWinChi – Competent scientific interaction with China’, which the Chair of China Business and Economics at the University of Würzburg has successfully acquired as a joint project together with the Chair of Sinology with a focus on the intellectual and cultural history of China at FAU.

‘KoWinChi’ aims to prepare scientists as well as scientific support and administrative staff at universities and research institutions for cooperation with China. The project is developing a modular system of training units that encourage interaction and exchange. The persons in the target groups can select modules to put together an individual training plan. The modules can be embedded in the participating universities’ and science organisations’ training programmes or combined to form a certificate.

The aim of the sub-project KoWinChi@FAU (project management by Prof. Dr Andrea Bréard) is to develop the intercultural and humanities content of the modules in close cooperation with the project partner.

More information to the funding measure and the project:
