Application period started: FAU Mentoring Programme ARIADNEphil

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You are able to apply until 10 October 2022

From now until 10 October 2022, female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology can apply for the next round of the FAU Mentoring Proramme ARIADNEphil. The 18-months programme starts in January 2023.

The offer is free of charge and designed for high-potential female young researchers who are aiming for an academic career.

ARIADNEphil offers individual mentoring by experienced scientists of a higher qualification level, career seminars, and expansion of your peer network.

Detailed information can be found on the programme website at and in our flyer

Viktoria Kaufmann (Programme coordination) is happy to answer your questions about the programme and the application: