Year: 2021

How can we improve our lives? Is being healthy all it takes? Which role do family, friends and other people play? Is being alone and having time for yourself also important? The new project “Gesundheit und soziale Teilhabe” (GesTe) from the Institute of Psychogerontology at FAU deals with these topics, addressing people over the age of 75.

Kategorie: Research

Encounters with foreign cultures are frequently overshadowed by stereotypes – especially when it comes to refugees and their religious affiliation. But what role does religiosity actually play in the life of young people with migration background or refugee status? Prof. Dr. Manfred Pirner, Chair of...

Kategorie: Research

After the launch of the virtual rooftop museum, the Institute of Prehistory and Protohistory is already gearing up for the next innovation in science communication: Augmented Reality (AR) – ARrcheology! Launched in March, the Project UFG-AR managed by Dr. Carsten Mischka and Dr. Marcel Weiß is bringing archaeological objects and sites to the living room.

Kategorie: Research