“Faces of Masking“: new project explores use and significance of community masks during the pandemic

Community masks (in German: Alltagsmasken) have become both a steady companion in day-to-day life as well as a key part in how the Covid-19 pandemic is being addressed culturally. Exactly this aspect is what Annerose Böhrer and Dr. Marie-Kristin Döbler from the Institute of Sociology are concerned with, together with Heta Tarkkala of Helsinki University. They are examining the practice of face masks and discourse about them in Germany and Finland that reaches further than their medical use.
To achieve this, the three researchers are collaborating with a professional illustrator, enabling them to visualize their results. Next to a grant from the Hans-Riegel-Stiftung, they are also receiving funding in the form of an Adhoc-Gruppe, specifically Illustrated Science(s) – Exploring the visual landscapes of Covid-19 and future perspectives of art/science cooperation, which they applied for at the joint congress of the German and Austrian Sociological Associations (DGS and ÖGS). The project will be running until July 2021, with the results to be presented at the congress in August. Contributions to the Congress itself can be sent in until April 1st, 2021.
More about the project and the Call for Abstracts can be found here: