Double grants for more exercise

Two projects aim to encourage people to exercise more
The Department of Sport Science and Sport is revceiving two grants for its projects BIG and Gestalt (photo: Daniel Reche/Pixabay)

The Division “Public Health and Physical Activity” of the Department of Sport Science and Sport has received two grants: The projects „Bewegung als Investition in Gesundheit – BIG“ (Physical Activity as an Investment in Health) and „Gehen, Spielen und Tanzen als lebenslange Tätigkeiten – GESTALT“ (Walking, Playing and Dancing as Lifelong Activities) will be funded for a period of four years with 860,000 euros and 1,500,000 euros respectively. The funding is provided by the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BzgA) (Federal Centre for Health Education) on behalf of and with funds from the statutory health insurance funds according to §20a SGB V.

The BIG project aims to promote physical activity among women in difficult life situations, to strengthen women’s health literacy and to establish health-promoting structures together with participating municipalities.

Further information:

The aim of the GESTALT project is to maintain and promote the physical and cognitive abilities of older people and to strengthen their psychosocial resources. Here, too, the project has a long-term effect and builds health-promoting structures together with prevention providers and experts, (political) decision-makers and target group representatives in ten partner municipalities.

Further information (available in German only):

Prof. Dr. Anne Reimers, head of the Division, is pleased to be able to make the projects reality using the funding: “The two projects can show how our scientific knowledge can be applied to the realities of people a special need for the promotion of physical activity. Our research helps improve their quality of life.”