Faculty scientists featured in two podcasts on Corona

Members of the faculty on podcasts
(photo: kaboompics/Pixabay)

Demonstrations, public debates and the headlines in the media show that in many countries the corona pandemic is not only a medical but also a social challenge. Prof. Dr. Roland Sturm from the Institute of Political Science was interviewed in the program “Die Landespolitik” of the Bavarian radio station B5 on May 10th. He spoke about the decision-making and co-determination rights of the Bavarian parliament in case of a catastrophe.

The episode “State government relaxes corona restrictions” from May 10th is available as a podcast for listening in the BR Mediathek. The interview with Dr. Sturm starts at minute 14:00:

Link to the episode

In a podcast of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Professor of American Studies Dr. Heike Paul speaks about the corona crisis in the USA. The focus is on the role of the president in general and that of Donald Trump in particular, the level of the states, the situation of specific regions and population groups and finally the social and political lines of conflict that the corona crisis is making more visible than ever, as well as considerations as to how to overcome them.

Prof. Paul recently returned from her stay as a Fellow at the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles, which she had to terminate prematurely due to the Corona pandemic. She recorded her impressions for the podcast shortly after her return.

The podcast “Corona in the USA: A view of the crisis from a transatlantic perspective” can be found in the media library of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

Please note that both podcasts are in German.